- Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan written by the Japanese Society of Chemical Engineers. This Journal contains various articles about chemical engineering applications. You can download Pdf version of articles from the following link. Available Journals
- LAAR (Latin American Applied Research) publish original articles about Chemical Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Mechanics, Control and Information Processing. Available issues
- The Official Journal of Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers contain original scientific papers about chemical and chemical engineering. Available Scientific Papers
- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering is written by Brazilian Society of Chemical Engineering. Mission of this society is to publish papers reporting on basic and applied research and innovation in the field of chemical engineering and related areas. Available Journals
- Indian Chemical Engineer is the Quarterly Journal of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. It published in two sections A and B. Section A provides an international forum for the presentation of original research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new development in all areas of chemical engineering and allied fields. Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome. Reports of carefully executed experimental work, which is soundly interpreted, are also welcome. Section B publishes impartial, generic articles that provide guidance to the practicing chemical engineer, or an overview of some type of technology. It looks for articles that focus on the general chemical engineering problem or situation and the generic method of solving that problem. Appropriate subjects for articles include: design or equipment options; troubleshooting a process unit; assessing the likely impact of emerging technology; reviewing key trends and challenges in engineering research and development and continuing-education. Available Journals
- ACS is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide through a commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data provides with Reports on experimental, evaluated and predicted data on the physical, thermodynamic, and transport properties of well defined materials including complex mixtures of known compositions and systems of environmental and biochemical interest. Available Articles
- The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering is an international, peer-reviewed journal published bi-monthly by the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering. Published since 1922, its original research, new theoretical interpretation and critical reviews will keep you up-to-date on the latest breakthroughs and emerging technologies in chemical engineering and applied chemistry. Available Articles